Don’t get in over your head with a misfit

Gordon Bower
Gordon Bower

 The lesson here is «don’t get in over your head with a misfit.»

Dador Este
Nadie vul

 Q J T 8 7 6
 A T 8 2
 T 3


 4 3
 K J 7 6 5 4 3
 8 6
 8 4


 K 5 2
 A K J 7 2
 A K J 7 6


 A 9
 Q 9
 Q 9 5 4
 Q T 9 3 2


 You didn’t open 2 as East, did you? While you do have a 4-loser hand, you have only 19 HCP, two suits you’d like to show, and are likely to need two tricks rather than one from partner to make game since your hand is minor-suit-oriented. Start with 1, planning to jump to 3 next if you get a response from partner.

Now, how should West evaluate his hand?

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