Diamonds Defeats Diamonds by Oswald jacoby

Tim Seres and Mary McMahon at the 2000 Gold Coast Congress
Tim Seres and Mary McMahon at the 2000 Gold Coast Congress

Daily News – 23 Jun 1978 por Oswald Jacoby y Alan Sontag

Here is a nice problem for you readers.

aa.jpgAfter West leads the four of spades against South’s three diamonds can you find a way to defeat the contract?

We will give you a hint. Australian Internationalist Tim Seres did at the table and declarer had no chance against Tim’s play.

Lead: spade suit4

Tim won the first trick with the Jack of spades. Then he led back his 10 of trumps. After this fine lead South had to lose two clubs and one trick in each other suit. He made a valiant effort. He won that first diamond and proceeded to lead a high diamond back.

Now Tim was in with the ace and made the proper shift to the 10 of clubs. Declarer ducked. But it was no problem at all for Roelof Smilde, sitting West, to take his queen and lead back the king to smother dummy’s Jack so that Tim’s nine of clubs and Roelof’s king of hearts were good for the last two decisive tricks.

Good play looks easy, but it sure pays off.