Declarer Play: For the Improving Player



Dealer: South / Vulnerable Allaaxx

South to make 6 (IMPs) Opening lead is K. Trumps are 2-1.


Dealer: South /A Vulnerable Allaaxx

South to make 6 (IMPs) Opening lead is K. Trumps are 2-1.

Win the lead and draw two rounds of trumps. Next cash the A. Assuming both opponents follow, cash the K. If East shows out, you can take a marked club finesse. If West shows out, play the 7.

If East doesn’t play a higher spade, discard a diamond from hand to endplay West. If East plays a higher spade, ruff it, cross back to dummy with a trump and run the 9.

Again, if East plays low, play the 6 to endplay West. If East covers with 10 or J, insert the Q. Assuming West wins and returns a diamond, you’ll then need to guess whether to play the 8 or the 5 depending on where you think the other higher diamond is. If you don’t think East will play the 10/J with 10xx(x) or Jxx(x), then play the 5 and hope the 7 is with West!

Now let’s go back. If both opponents follow to AK, cash the Q. If West shows out, follow the same line above. If East shows out, you can now guarantee the endplay. Ruff the spade, cross back to dummy with a trump and play the 10 to discard a diamond.