Conventions: Your Stayman is Doubled – What Now?


Source: Aussie Youth Bridge Bulletins

After you open 1NT and partner bids 2c Stayman, sometimes your RHO is able to double to show clubs, getting a lead directing double in. Usually you would just ignore the double and continue normally, but at times when you have very strong clubs such as cAQJ85, you may want to suggest 2cX or 2cXX as a contract. Or maybe at times you have very few clubs such as cxx and you are afraid that the partnership should steer away from 3NT without a club stopper. How should you handle this situation?

There are lots of variations that you can play here, but this is an easy one to remember:

1NT Pass 2c Dbl
Redbl Strong suggestion to play in 2cXX (i.e. you have a good 5-card club holding)
2d/2h/2s As per normal response, but promises a club stopper
Pass Denies a club stopper

After opener passes to deny a club stopper, responder can continue as follows:

1NT Pass 2c Dbl
Pass Pass  ?
Redbl Stayman
2d Weak hand, typically a 4-4-5-0 shape
2h/2s Weak to play, 5/4 majors

After responder redoubles to re-initiate Stayman:

1NT Pass 2c Dbl
Pass Pass Redbl Pass
2d No major
2h 4 spades
2s 4 hearts
2NT 4-4 majors

The reason for the swap in 2h/2s when responder reinitiates Stayman is because if opener has no club stopper, the final contract would be best declared by responder, not the opener. If you want to make it more simple, you can simply just keep natural Stayman responses when responder reinitiates Stayman. Otherwise, the easiest way to remember this is: After a X of Stayman, bidding = promises a club stopper with natural Stayman responses, XX is suggestion to play in 2cXX, and Pass denies a club stopper. Over the pass, responder can either sign off in 2x, or XX to reinitiate Stayman and the responses to that are up to you and your partner.