Convention: WHIRLWIND Part I by GS Jade Barrett

GS Jade Barret
GS Jade Barret

  Invented by GS Jade Barrett June 1991, this has proven to be a very successful Strong Club Defense. Derived from Featherston, a NT defense co-developed by Norm Featherston and GS Jade Barrett.


Used whenever 1 is forcing:

13+ semibalanced or balanced
1 1 Diamonds and Hearts 13-
    OR Diamonds and Clubs 10-17
1 1 Hearts and Spades 13-
    OR Hearts and Diamonds 10 – 17
1 1 Spades and Clubs 13-
    OR Spades and Hearts 10 – 17
1 2 Clubs and Diamonds 13-
    OR Clubs and Spades 10 – 17
1 1NT Hearts and Clubs OR Spades and Diamonds

 Suit bids of 2 and Higher are Natural, 2NT shows a VERY unbalanced hand in which the lower ranking suit is at least 6 cards in length.

 After a suit overcall, a NT bid asks partner to describe his hand.

The NT bidder promises at least a constructive 10+

I.E. 1 1 Pass     1NT
  Pass 2 + with Short Club 10 – 17
    2 + 12 – 17 with no shortness.
    2  +  13 or less
    2  +  with Short Spade 10 – 17
  1 1 Pass     1NT
  Pass 2  +  13 or less
    2  +  with Short Diamond 10 – 17
    2 + with NO shortness 13 – 17
    2 with Club Shortness 10 – 17

How would sequences after      

1 1 Pass 1NT Work?

 Here are a few sample hands:

A Q 4 3

J T 9 7 2

8 7 3


   A K J 7 2

Q T 8 7 3

 K 4


   4 3

K J 5 4 3



5 4 3

Q 7 5 3

A J 8 6 4 3  

  Q 7 3


K Q 8 7

J T 9 8 2

  T 9 8 3

K 2

A J T 5 4 3


A 7

Q J T 9

K J 3 2

  A 2

T 9 8 7 4 3 2

8 7 3


  Q 4

J 9 7

A K J 8 7 5 3 2


What action does each hand take over a forcing club? To be continued….

GS Jade Barrett

Copyright 13 JAN 02