Clipped by the Scissors Coup by Oswald Jacoby

spingold 1931 Oswald Jacoby, P. Hal Sims, Willard Karn y David Burnstine

The Times-News – Nov 19, 1971

With his genius for publicity the late Ely Culbertson wrote about a play which he called the «Coup without a name.» Modernists have named it the «Scissor s Coup» since it is designed to cut enemy communications.

Today’s hand is taken from the encyclopedia of bridge and illustrates the play.aa

South is very happy with his four-heart contract when he sees the dummy. If East plays like a friend he will cash two diamonds and shift to a club whereupon South will lose to the ace of hearts and take the rest of the tricks.

Unfortunately for South’s peace of mind East wins the first diamond and makes the unfriendly shift to the three of clubs. South can visualize East’s nasty plan and sees one way to foil the dastardly villain.

Instead of playing trumps he leads a spade to dummy’s ace and a second spade to his king. Then he leads his nine of spades and breathes a sigh of relief when West plays low. Now he discards dummy’s last diamond. East wins the trick but can’t put his partner in.

This play Is really a form of the loser-on-loser play but the name scissors coup is far more elegant.