Citta di Milano Tournament by Alejandro Bianchedi

Alejandro Bianchedi Milano
Hi All 😆 

Alejandro Bianchedi MilanoMy first tournament with Lavazza team: Citta di Milano. Luckily all well and I’m playing calm.

 The first day we won all the matches, but by little difference, so we didnt qualify among the first 6, we arrived seventh and hopefully we can move from here.
I have a couple of cute hands to share with you:

K 8 x x
9 x x
K x x
9 x x

x x
Q 10 x
Q 10 7 x
A Q 10 x


x x x
A x x x x
9 x
x x x


A Q J x
A J 8 x
K J x

Bianchedi   Duboin
2NT   3NT

The lead was a little diamond.

I won the lead with the J and played: A, Q y J overtaking the valet with dummy’s K after watching West pitching  a club. I continued with a club to my J. West won the trick with the Q and exit his hand with the Q. I took the trick with dummy’s K, to continue with another club to my K, West won with the A, played the 10 and continued with the Q. East played a little heart, so I won with the K. This was the 4 cards end position:

9 x

10 x
10 8


A x x x


A 7

Now I played my last spade, and West was squeezed. He chose to pitch a heart. I continued with the A,and the J, watching West play the 10…I claimed…the 9 or the J was my ninth trick.

If when West played the Q, East playes his A and returns a heart, I have another squezze position, playing to dummy’s 8.

Another hand:


A Q 9 x x x
Q J 10 x x
9 x

x x x x
K J 10 x
x x x
K x


A J x x
x x
x x x
A 10 8 x


K Q 9 x x x
Q J x x x

1   2
3   3

Lead: A little diamond

I won the lead with the A, thinking I was going to be several tricks down….jejeje. I played my Q, West won with his K and exit his hand playing a heart. I call for dummy’s Q and…my trick!!.
I continue with the A, pitching the K. Now I could run all dummy’s diamonds and play a club for 9 tricks… 😆
Let me tell you that I could play with Agustin Madala a couple of matches, it was fun … as always he produced several situations;-). If I have time I will comment you some more hands later…