Chennai 2015: Traian Chira the Man Behind the Scenes


Chennai 2015 cuadrado

42nd World Bridge Teams Championships

Chennai, India • 26 September – 10 October 2015

Official Site  Results  Participants  Bulletins Championship Diary

The 42nd World Bridge Teams Championships and the 10th World Transnational Open Teams Championship will be held at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel, Chennai (former Madras), India.

October 7th, 2015

In recent years bridge found the perfect partner. Just as TV is the perfect partner of football, or rugby etc, Internet has helped bridge to become a sport prepared to surprise the crowds.

First it started with the VG for years players from all over the world had the opportunity to be present at the most important World Championships thanks to BBO, generously transmitted and continuing today to transmit the events totally free for everyone.

But recently there has been another leap of quality: the videos. Timidly at first they were incorporated images of what was happening at the table. Today it has evolved to live: what is happening at the table card by card. Who knows what the future holds in store.

Golpe de Furca 1

When the current president of the WBF, Gianarrigo Rona took office, he promised the world bridge players he was going to add the necessary technology to create a more attractive and clean bridge … all of us saw how technology was amalgamated with bridge and in the recent weeks thanks to the records of the match-videos the cleaning also started.

Today we present you: Traian Chira the man behind the scenes who has made all this possible … And who knows what surprises Traian will introduce us in the future so that our sport continues to grow and to become massive .. .and especially more attractive for the young …We have much to thank him.