Chennai 2015: A Positional Slam


Chennai 2015 cuadrado

42nd World Bridge Teams Championships

Chennai, India • 26 September – 10 October 2015

Official Site  Results  Participants  Bulletins

The 42nd World Bridge Teams Championships and the 10th World Transnational Open Teams Championship will be held at the ITC Grand Chola Hotel, Chennai (former Madras), India.

October 11th, 2015

This board produced 14 IMPs swings in almost every table and can help us to reflect.

Tablilla 3

RR 21; Board 3

The problem of the hand is the positional slam, North declarers are cold and South declarers lose with a clubQ lead.


Only those who came to know during the auction that had double fit in both majors and that South did not have or could not have club control had the necessary information  to choose the appropriate slam, protecting the clubK during the lead. Players who chose to hide one of the majors, never knew of the danger that lurked and paid dearly for their decision.


 Kalita opened 1NT (15-17) and Nowosadzki used Stayman. Kalita informed about his two four cards majors, and minimum hand. North continued with a heart transfer and, afterwards invited to slam. After a keycards exchange, North chose to play the spade slam.Tablilla 3 a

 At the other table, Weinstein also opened 1NT and Levin asked about four cards majors. Here South strated showing hearts. North asked keycards and they landed playing the heart slam, the clubQ lead frustrated the contract.

The French pair, Rombaut-Combescure played the next sequence:Tab 3 francia sub

For Rombaut after his partner’s 1club opening bid, was natural to show spades first, this led them to the good contract, at the other table Hurd-Wooldridge from USA2, chose to play 6club,  after South’s 1NT opening bid, one down.

In the match Bulgaria-Brazil; Bulgaria’s couple Stamatov-Danailov bidded the hand as follows:

tab 3 Bulgaria

South showed both majors rooms and the couple choose the best slam. Brazil played the slam in heart = 1 down.