Chat with Fred – March 1st 3PM

    Fred Gitelman
    Fred Gitelman

    Get your nagging questions about BBO, bridge, or life in general answered by BBO»s founder Fred Gitelman and BBO»s friendliest yellows! The Chat with Fred session will take place on March 1st, 3PM New York Time (8PM GMT). Other panelists are: Diana_eva, Barmar, Macaw, and Inquiry.

    Bring your questions and some pizza, Fred will try to answer or just talk about BBO at a best online casino special vugraph table we»ll create on that day. If you are using the new BBO version, Fred and gang will also be chatting via «voice» server.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone on March 1st!

     This is one of this BBO News comments:

     penguin007: Whats Bill Gates» login? You can tell me, no-one will know…

     Click Here to read them all

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