Cavendish 2015: The Teams Final Last Set


Monaco cavendish cabeceraOctober 20, 2015

Monaco Cavendish 2015

Le Fairmont 19-23 de octubre


  BBO VG Schedule

The final was: Lavazza vs Snellers

Lavazza: DUBOIN Giorgio – MADALA Agustin -MAHMOOD Zia – BILDE Dennis

Snellers: SNELLERS Agnes – DE BOER Wubbo – van LANKVELD Joris – van den BOS Berend

The first Set finished Snellers: 25 – Lavazza: 12.

This is what happened in the last 10 boards of the final.

MC Tab 21

 Board 21

The first difference appeared in the first Board, at one of the tables Duboin opened 2NT and Madala with zero points passed = 2 down. At the other table North also opened 2NT, but South risked a 3 (Muppet or Puppet) bid … waiting for a 3 response … As expected his partner answered three diamonds and South passed.

MC Tab 21

The declarer was only one down, and added 3 IMPs to Snellers.

Board 26 removed all hope of a possible Lavazza team recovery when Madala went down in a 6 contract, while in the other table V. Lankveld played only 4, and scored +480.

MC tab 26

 Board 26 

 Snellers led her 3…and Madala had a guess…when he played the A…he could no longer make his contract, and buried any chance of recovery.

Snellers finally won the match by 45-28 and is the owner of the 2015 Monaco Cavendish teams event.

MC Tab 26 salida