But in my Book by Edwin Kantar


1982 World Championships BiarritzBefore leaving for Biarritz I dropped off the manuscript for my new book, «Kantar for the Defense plug! Vol I» with my publisher. The book has 100 intermediate – advanced defensive problems. A few of the problems deal with a defender who has the ace of trumps but reserves giving his partner a known ruff until later for a number of reasons;

1- developing a side suit winner first;

2- voiding himself so he can get a ruff in return, etc.

Remembering my own examples only too well, I was quite prepared for the following deal from the first final session of the Open Pairs, On vugraph of course…


On the opening lead of the 7, dummy played low and I won the ace as declarer played the 5. Aha, I thought, just like my new book. I will build up spades tricks first and then give my partner a ruff. I shifted to the Q which declarer won as partner played the 6. Declarer then led a heart to the king.

Now is the time. I will give partner a club ruff and he can cash his spades. Too bad I turned in the manuscript, this would have made a good example.

I led a club, but what’s this? Partner didn’t ruff! He had no more trumps!

Of course I should have led a second spade, ruffed the third spade and then led a club as a precautionary measure.

Incidentally, had declarer ducked the Q, I would have had to give partner a club ruff immediately or else declarer would have had 10 tricks, five hearts, three clubs and two aces. Would I? Who knows. In my new book declarer would, have the K, not the ace.

Also, in my new book partner has at least two trumps so he always gets a ruff later. You see, in my new book, Kantar for the Misdefense…Take him away and lock him up.