Bridge & Humor: Prodigal Son has Last Laugh

Sidney Herold Lazard
Sidney Herold Lazard

The Milwaukee Sentinel – 30 Sep 1975 by Ira Corn

One of the most important elements of any successful partnership is bidding discipline. It takes quite a bit of will power to resist every tempting bidding fling, but when a father-son combination is involved, the generation gap might add a few laughs to a touchy situation. Today’s hand was played by internationalist star Sidney Lazard of New Orleans and his son, Sidney Jr. The younger Lazard succumbed to the irresistible and received some fatherly advice. However, when the hand was over, Sidney Jr. got in the last word and the dialog was priceless.


Lead: K

Sidney Jr. opened four spades and West had a painful decision. If he doubled, he might well trade a vulnerable game or slam for a small penalty and if he bid, he had no truly descriptive bid available. After an anguishing moment, he decided on four no- trump — generally played as a three suit takeout over four spades.

East misinterpreted the bid and bid his better minor — East thought West had bid an unusual no-trump for , the minors. At this point, Sidney Jr., yielded to temptation and rebid his eight card suit (one of the most undisciplined moves a pre-emptor can make is to unilaterally rebid his own values).

West doubled in a roar and father chastised rather gently, but not entirely free of acid tones. Sidney asked of his son, «Who do you think you are, Georgio Belladonna?» (The Italian Belladonna is ranked at the top of the world’s bridge players and has had some reputation for undisciplined bids).

The young Lazard found no reply and the lead was made and dummy was spread. Declarer ruffed the opening heart lead and played the ace and a low spade. Later, trump was drawn and a club was conceded to West, making five spades , doubled for a very fine score.

It was at this point that Sidney Jr. chose to answer and he I came right to the point. «Papa, how would you like some mozzarella pizza?» he asked.

And that was the conversation stopper of the tournament.