Bridge & Humor: Peter Leventritt by Karen Allison


Peter Leventritt (1916 – 1998) por Karen Allison

Karen Allison
Karen Allison

I was lucky enough to have known Peter Leventritt in the old days. So when I was sitting out at a World Championship and saw him, I sat to chat with Peter.

We got onto the subject of The Card School, the elegant New York City school where Peter taught bridge to debutantes who wanted to be able to participate in home games.  Peter laughed his big laugh as he told me a story.

One young lady had not said a word for the previous several sessions so Peter tried to engage her in a discussion of opening bids. He wrote a hand on the blackboard and asked her what she would bid.

The young woman blushed and said, “I’m so sorry, I haven’t been paying attention.   Please ask someone else.”

Peter insisted, saying, come on now, it won’t hurt, just tell me your bid.

The young lady again demurred saying she would participate next time.

So Peter threatened her and said if she didn’t make a bid he would expel her from the class.

She sighed and said, ‘Oh, in that case, I bid … Five dollars!!’

N. of the R.: Peter Leventritt represented USA in three Bermuda Bowl (1961, 1963, 1965) and won 13 nationals tittles.