Bridge & Humor: Everything becomes bridge for…

Ron Klinger
Ron Klinger

Once in love with bridge folks, always in love with bridge folks.

You know you are hooked on bridge if:

1) you are a race goer and HCP no longer means handicap

2) you are a Londoner and «Drury» no longer describes a lane

3) you are a bookmaker and «the book» no longer refers to where bets are recorded

4) you are a tennis player and an «ace» do not refer to your serve

5) you are a golfer and «hook» is no longer the opposite of «slice»

6) you are an undertaker and «stiff» no longer means a cadaver

7) you are a lawyer and «honor» no longer refers to a judge

8) you are a tennis fan and «grand slam» no longer refers to the French Open. U.S. Open. Australian Open or Wimbledon.

Once again, these words are cleverly put together by Ron Klinger from his book: The Bridge Player Who Laughed.