Bridge & Humor: Bridge Addicts (Part III)


Toledo Blade – 11 Dic 1960

Bridge Addicts (Part I) / Bridge Addicts (Part II) 

Bridge is played for kibitzers. A good kibitzer is worth five points under the Goren point-count system; hands may be opened on two aces, a king and a kibitzer. A bad kibitzer, if there were such a thing, would be better than nothing. There is no pleasure quite like looking into a kibitzer»s face after he has watched you go down 1,700 points on a murderous cross-ruff. With kibitzers enjoying such an exalted position, is it any wonder that we find the very origin of the word to be heroic? Kibitzer comes from the German word kwbitz. A kiebitz is a pewit and a pewit is a bird, but no ordinary bird. The pewit is a specimen consumed with intellectual curiosity. And he is also known for the way he protects his young, by flapping his wings in the intruder»s face.tero-tero

It is fitting and proper that such a brave bird should lend its name to the best online casino kibitzer. Not surprisingly, the world of kibitzing is partitioned into social stations and ranks. There are kibitzers, dorbitzers and tsitsers. The full-fledged kibitzer (equal in rank to a navy lieutenant or an army major) has received permission from all players to kibitz the game; he may comment at will, and may be called into the game as a consultant or a relief-station fourth.

A dorbitzer has received – permission from a kibitzer to watch the game. He may speak to the kibitzer but not to the players. A tsitser has received nobody»s permission to do anything. He may only linger in the background, commenting on the play by saving. «Ts! Ts! Ts!»

The solution for all you bridge buffs is to play the game as a GAME. Keep telling yourself over and over: This is a GAME. It is not a test of intellect. Nobody will look down on you if you play badly. Leave the advice to experts like Goren and Culbertson. Play bridge for FUN and RELAXATION. Don»t play it to prove anything. Don»t get excited. Keep your temper. All things in their proper perspective. This is supposed to be FUN. Got it, now? All right, your deal. No, no, clockwise. Face down, for heaven»s sake. Face down» Deal FOUR hands, you dope! Face down! Cant» you deal any faster? NOT ON THE FLOOR!!» Well, of all the stupid, idiot, insipid.