Bridge & Humor: A Kantar Story by Frank Stewart


The Day – Nov 8, 2004

I’ve read about bridge for 40 years, and Eddie Kantar who has written about it even longer, has given me more pleasure than anyone. Eddie’s latest book,»Kantar on Kontract,» is a retrospective: memorable deals and stories, many from his own career. In today’s deal, declarer was young French expert Roger Trezel and West was a woman in a daringly lowcut gown.


When she led a club against six hearts, Trezel feared a singleton and put up dummy’s ace, dropping East’s king. Trezel was then afraid to finesse in trumps: He led to his ace, snaring another king, and made an overtrick.


Kantar tells how East, shaken by the result, complained: «From the moment we sat down at the table, that man was craning his neck, looking unashamedly into my partner’s cards. No wonder we didn’t make either king.»

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