Bridge & Humor: 1931 Freak Bridge Tournament

Ely Culbertson

News scribes to play-Card Sharks Write

NEW YORK. Oct 28 1931.

Kibitzing the kibitzers or the Bridge Experts Revenge, is Ely’s Culbertson own melodramatic title for his latest idea, a tournament exclusively for newspaper men.

The announcement was made today by the man who is so convinced he has the best system of making Grand Slams he has wagered u$s 10.000 he can beat Sidnty Lenz, exponent of a rival system, with one eye closed and one hand behind his back.

«Newspaper men are the world’s greatest kibitzers» he said, and they have written a lot of strange stories, about us bridge experts. Now we are going to get our revenge.

» I am inviting all newspaper and news association bridge players to take part in the first tournament of its kind. November 7 1931. Some of the world’s greatest bridge stars will be on the side lines as professional kibitzers.

»Then, to reverse the roles completely, these experts will write threir own accounts of the skillful maneuvering, if any, of the newspaper players»