Bridge for the Improver by Ron Klinger



2014 Gold Coast Official Site


  Q 5
J 9 8 3 2    

South opened 1NT and North raised to 3NT. West leads the 3.

Problem 1: Declarer plays the queen from dummy. East covers with the king and South wins with the ace. Who has the ten?

Problem 2: Declarer plays the 5 from dummy, ten from East and South wins with the ace. Who has the king?

Solution 1: If the situation is like this:

  Q 5
J 9 8 3 2   K 7 4
  A 10 6  

or similar, declarer would have played low from dummy to make guarantee two tricks. The ten is very likely to
be with East. Only if South began with 10 doubleton

Solution 2: If the situation were like this:

  Q 5
J 9 8 3 2   K 10 4
  A 7 6  

Declarer would have played the queen from dummy.

South has the king and the position is something like this:

  Q 5
J 9 8 3 2   10 7 4
  A K 6