Big Bridge Quiz 2016 by Sally Brock

Sally Brock
Sally Brock

Dear Bridge community:

My daughter Briony now works for Stoke Mandeville Spinal Research, a UK charity which does research into improving the life of those with spinal cord injuries. We are trying to promote a link between bridge and people who are paralysed. We have various projects, the latest of which is The Big Bridge Quiz.




This is a new initiative set up by Sally Brock and her daughter Briony to raise money for a spinal research charity (SMSR) in the UK. In exchange for a £10 (or equivalent) donation to the charity, you will be emailed a copy of the quiz, for which the first prize is £1,000. The closing date is April 30th. To get your copy of the quiz email:


Some Enchanted Evening
Friday 6th May 2016
Tickets now available:
Play with one professonal: David Price, Colin Simpson, John Holland, Gunnar Hallberg, Nicola Smith, Heather Dhondy, Brian and Nevena Senior, Robert Sheehan, Tom Townsend….
some enchanted evening