BBO: Promoting Junior Bridge


The organizers of Junior Bridge at Bridgebase Online (BBO) are committed to the education of bridge players under 26 years of age.  Experts from various countries give their time and talent to this effort. The following people are active participants in all of the BBO Junior events.  Please contact any of them at any time for information and/or assistance:  Vdoubleu, JuniorsBBO, Reddevyl, HedyG, DKGrab.

BBO Junior Bridge Club is a private club for junior bridge players (free of charge)  at  Members are welcome to use the club at any time.  If you are not already a member, leave a message for juniorsbbo on bridgebase stating your desire to join and your date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy. 

On Wednesday April 24, 2013, the BBO juniors had the opportunity to play with two world stars of bridge: Gabu44 = Gabriel Chagas and Jill Levin: Jillevin.

These are the 8 boards they played, you can access all the 8 hands with each bid and card played.

Time North South East West Result Points Score Movie Traveller
1 12:12 followcard gabu44 wapiti1105 jilllevin 2xW-2 300 3.40 Movie or Lin Traveller
2 12:18 followcard gabu44 wapiti1105 jilllevin 3W+1 -170 -2.13 Movie or Lin Traveller
3 12:25 gabrelos gabu44 andreasw jilllevin 3NTW+2 -660 -5.20 Movie or Lin Traveller
4 12:32 gabrelos gabu44 andreasw jilllevin 4E-1 100 1.80 Movie or Lin Traveller
5 12:41 nate_m gabu44 jerfi jilllevin 4W-1 50 2.87 Movie or Lin Traveller
6 12:47 nate_m gabu44 jerfi jilllevin 5S= 450 -0.33 Movie or Lin Traveller
7 12:51 paragjoshi gabu44 czesiek_ jilllevin 4E+1 -650 -3.93 Movie or Lin Traveller
8 12:57 paragjoshi gabu44 czesiek_ jilllevin 1NE-3 150 2.00 Movie or Lin Traveller

What was really interesting for more than 200 juniors that were kibitzing the game, were the explanations for each voice in the auction and each card and technique deployed in the play of the card by the players. A master class for all players and surely some grown up must have been watching too… Every Wednesday seek the table where: Vdoubleu and / or JuniorsBBO are and take advantage!