BBO: Interview with Rogerclee (Roger Lee)

Roger Lee

We met BBO Star Rogerclee (or Clee, as his friends call him) last year, when he teamed up with Uday for the 2011 USBC. Click here to re-read his story. This year, Roger was not too sure whether he will have time to go to the Trials or not, but his friends needed a 4th for their team so he eventually decided to make time and join. The 4-handed team Lee put up a solid performance climbing all the way to the Semi-Finals were they were defeated by already legendary team Diamond. BBO Forum regulars were hoping for Jlall vs Clee (who are both active posters online casino and contributors in the forums) in the Finals, but it wasn»t meant to be this time.

Roger accepted to share his thoughts after this challenging experience, in a brief interview dedicated to all BBO friends and supporters.

How did your team get together? Would you like to tell us more about Demirev, and how you all decided to go as a team?
Steve, Howie, and Nik were looking for a 4th player and called me up. Initially I thought I wouldn»t have time to play the trials, but I thought it would be a fun team to join, and I had heard a lot of great things about Nik, so eventually I decided to make time. It turned out to be a great deal of fun, and I really enjoyed myself. Nik is a top expert and a great card player, I always felt comfortable putting down the dummy.

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