Bali 2013: More News


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Bali 2013: USA 1
Bali 2013: Kevin Bathurst (USA1) & Catalina Robles


David Bakhshi Bridge: The England Open Team at the Opening Ceremony for the 41st World Team Championships in Bali. — David Gold, Simon Cope, David Bakhshi, Tony Forrester,Benjy Green, Alexander Allfrey, Andrew Robson y Tom Townsend.

England Open Team Bali 2013


Some amateur bridge players, arrived to Bali, to live the unique experience of the World Bridge Championships, while visiting the island of Bali. Watch their foto album.

llegada al aeropuerto
Helga y Mark en la ceremonia de apertura

Migry Zur CampanileNews 2

  Migry has his VISA for Bali 2013, this is what she posted in her Facebook . Migry Zur Campanile

I am the proud owner of an Indonesian visa!

I’ll miss my new wonderful friends from Singapore!

 This are some of the likes.
  • A Christina Lund Madsen, Peg Kaplan, Betty Schuler & 43 people like.

News 2

From the southern hemisphereyou need more than a day of travel to get to Bali and many of the players in their way to the World Championships stop in different European cities to make the trip less stressful. Others are closer but chose to leave a few days early to enjoy the place, many of them are posting on Facebook pictures of his travels … these are just some of them: