Bali 2013: A Complicated Hand?

Bali 2013 Cesary Balicki
Bali 2013 Cesary Balicki

Fuente: WBF Bulletins

On-Line Results: OpenWomenSeniors   All the results

Sunday, September 21.

Bridge is a combination of inductive and deductive knowledge. There is thus a double movement in all bridge hand: an inductive movement from the given partial and confused data to a suggested comprehensive (or inclusive) entire situation; and back a deductive one: from this suggested whole -which as suggested is a meaning, an idea -to the particular facts, so as to connect these with one another and with additional facts to which the suggestion has directed attention.

As the Inductive reasoning takes a specific representative case or facts and then draws generalizations or conclusions from them, it must be based on a sufficient amount of reliable evidence.

The board of this article was played on 66 tables, 22 tables each championship. In Senior, less than half of the tables played 4 and only two made  it. In Ladies 5 pairs played 4 , half of them made it. And in the Open half of the tables played it but only 4 made it.

Board 18; Round 12

Board 18. Dealer East. N-S Vulnerable.
  K J 9 5 2
A 6
A 6
9 6 4 2
A 8 4
8 4 2
7 3 2
K J T 7
K 9 5
K Q J T 4
Q 8 5 3
  T 7 6 3
Q J T 7 3
9 8 5

The bidding was:

West North East South
    1 Pass
1NT Paso 2 Pass
3 3 Pass 4
The End      

Lead: K

The hand has three inevitable losers: A diamond, a spade and a heart. North needs to guess the stiff Q to make this.

And to find the lady between confused and partial data,  declarer needed enough reliable evidence.

Declarer ducked the opening lead and won the Q return with his A, watching West play a little diamond. Continued with a club to the A and Q, East won with the K and returned a heart…

Declarer won with his A and ruffed a club, came back ruffing a diamond, watching West play a  little diamond. And ruffed another club. He ruffed a heart in his hand and ruffed another club, watching West’s K and East’s Q.

And played the 10, West played a little one…

But declarer had already connected data with one another: from the bidding he knew East had a 5-4-3-1, confirmed during the play. East had K, Q, J (the three West’s cards were spot cards, so East has the J) and K and the Q = 11 points. West has K and J, and because of the 2 – 3 in the bidding is sure he has the A. If he also has the Q…East wouldnt be able to open…Conclusion: East has the stiff Q…

Declarer played the K, watching the fall of  the Q…and claimed 10 tricks…

This was Cesary Balicki play.

This is him in Wikipedia:

Cezary Balicki (born August 4, 1958) is a Polish bridge player holding the title of World Grand Master. Balicki won the World Transnational Open Teams in 2000 and 2009, European Open Teams in 1989 and 1993 as well as the prestige London Sunday Times Invitational Pairs in 1994. His team finished second in the 2000 World Team Olympiad, 1991 Bermuda Bowl and 1994 Rosenblum Cup. With his regular partner, Adam Żmudziński, won the bronze medal at the World Open Pairs held in Geneva in 1990.

Cezary Balicki is one of the Poland Open team players in Bali 2013. And as board 18 declarer he demonstrated in practice the use of inductive and deductive knowledge, and how he confirmed data during the play to be able to play the board 100% right. Below is a video where Cesary in person explains us what he thought during the hand on the table: