Angeleri-Villegas wins the 2012 Zanalda Cup


      On Monday December 10 as part of the International Bridge Festival of Mar del Plata 2012, was the kick off for the 2012 Zanalda Cup, an open pairs tournament played over three sessions. As always many of the best bridge players in Argentina were playing among the 34 pairs who participated in the tournament.


     The first session was won by: LAMBARDI – OVIEDO with the 60.94%, closely followed in second place by two pairs: ANGELERI – VILLEGAS y ROCCA – PELLEGRINI with the 60.09%.

      The second session was won by:  MARIO MELAMED – TITO DESIMONE with the 64.77% , second FORNASARI – LUCENA with the 61.51% and third ROBERTO VIGIL – MARIA CELIA PAILHE with the 60.65%.

    Vigil – Pailhe (FDA)

     The third session was won by ROBERTO VIGIL – MARIA CELIA PAILHE with the 66.85%, second ANGELERI – VILLEGAS with the 66.28%, third FORNASARI – LUCENA with the 64.32%.

    All Results:

        1 ses. 2° ses 3° ses TOTAL  
    1 ANGELERI – VILLEGAS 60,37% 60,09% 66,28% 62,25 -0,25
    2 R. VIGIL – MARIA CELIA PAILHE 56,96% 60,65% 66,85% 61,49  
    3 FORNASARI – LUCENA 58,10% 61,51% 64,32% 61,31  
    4 S. ROCCA – CARLOS PELLEGRINI 60,37% 54,83% 64,20% 59,80  
    5 M. IACAPRARO – JORGE GUEGLIO 58,24% 59,23% 54,62% 57,36  
    6 JULIO ALFONSIN – GUSTAVO ALUJAS 55,26% 56,96% 59,15% 57,12  
    7 ROBERTO TELL – GERARDO ZUMEL 52,98% 55,97% 59,59% 56,18 -0,25
    8 LAMBARDI – OVIEDO 60,65% 57,67% 45,22% 54,51  
    9 IRENE ELKIN – ANA LIA SMALINSKY 51,42% 53,13% 57,37% 53,97  
    10 SCANAVINO – M. BALDASSARRE 44,89% 54,97% 59,96% 53,27  
    11 MARCHESE – ANA DEL CARRIL 48,44% 54,40% 56,01% 52,95  
    12 J.SIMPSON – R. GARCIA DA ROSA 57,39% 47,73% 53,64% 52,92  
    13 R.EGOZCUE – MARTIN MONSEGUR 56,68% 47,59% 53,64% 52,64  
    14 GERARDO SIANO – LEGAS 58,38% 46,73% 52,47% 52,53  
    15 MAURO UBERTI – ADRIAN IGLESIAS 57,10% 59,94% 40,45% 52,50 -0,25
    16 CHARO GARATEGUY – J. ZANALDA 44,60% 54,83% 57,43% 52,29  
    17 V. MULLER – C.VAZQUEZ MANSILLA 49,01% 51,99% 55,80% 52,27  
    18 ZAMPINO – GRIEBEN 53,27% 48,30% 54,35% 51,97  
    19 ROBERTO MAFFEI – SARA 59,23% 44,89% 51,40% 51,84  
    20 SILVIA GIROSI – MANUCHO MOLINA 53,13% 57,81% 43,31% 51,42  
    21 MARIO MELAMED – TITO DESIMONE 43,47% 64,77% 36,26% 48,17  
    22 SERGIO CAPOZZI – MAXIMO CRUSIZIO 49,01% 48,44% 43,62% 47,02  
    23 G. RIZZO – OSVALDO RIZZO 44,03% 46,88% 50,07% 46,99  
    24 ELSA LUNA – MARITE CANAÑO 51,42% 48,15% 38,48% 46,02  
    25 A.APREDA – CLARA GARCIA OLIVER 45,03% 42,90% 49,42% 45,78  
    26 IRENE HAFFNE – LAURA TORREIAS 43,75% 46,16% 41,86% 43,92  
    27 SUSANA SOLER – GUSTAVO HERCE 52,27% 42,19% 36,46% 43,64  
    28 ZORRILLA – CORTI 47,59% 48,30% 34,91% 43,60 -0,25
    29 ALBERTO BONINI – MARIA BONINI 43,32% 43,04% 42,97% 43,11 -0,25
    30 MARTA MENDIONDO – ESTELA CIVIT 38,35% 41,48% 41,21% 40,35  
    31 ROSE MARIE BREA – SUSANA RIVA 44,32% 35,80% 39,83% 39,98  
    32 BARTOLOME – RODRIGUEZ 31,25% 42,05% 46,27% 39,86  
    33 S. HARVEY – E. LUCCHETA 35,51% 31,11% 44,64% 37,09  
    34 S. GUERSI – R. LANFRANCONI 34,23% 29,55% 39,05% 34,28