An interesting Vienna Coup double! por Paolo Clair

Circolo Padova Bridge
Circolo Padova Bridge

Circolo del Bridge di Padova. Sunday February 8 2015.

Leggi in Italiano

An interesting Vienna Coup double! Atention: not a double Vienna Coup!

Christmas Challenge Tournament. Stong turnout (28 tables). Serene atmosphere.

Elegant, friendly, but also really inspired players … !!!

Many zeros, and many hands well below the average that I was checking in my personal account.

Among the «wrong hands» is a small slam in spades. The auction was a little rough but the final contract was a good slam.

I was sitting in West, with:  54   K10983  1097  J72

I decided to lead the10. The  bidding had not shown a monster fit in the North / South line and, therefore, I did not attack with a trump.

These were the four hands: 

   A Q 10 9 8 6
 Q 5
 Q 6 4 
 8 3
 5 4
 K 10 9 8 3
 10 9 7
 J 7 2
 J 6 4 2
 K J 5 2 
 10 9 6 4
   K J 3 2
 A 7
 A 8 3
 A K Q 5
Brunet Eugenio
Brunet Eugenio

Declarer, Eugenio Brunet, although he did not feel happy with the fact that the two red Q didnt match with his hand (any red K or the J generated 12 winning tricks!), realized immediately what to do and quickly drawing the right inferences … he hold up his ace!

I won the trick with the 10 and finding nothing better, I continued with the same suit.

South, won the second trick with his A, played the A and then he run all dummy’s trumps, leading to this 5 cards end position:

 8 3
 K 10
 J 7 2
 10 9 6 4
 A K Q 5

Over the last dummy’s trump – West is irrelevant – South troughs his  heart loser, but East, my partner is squezzed in  and ! No useful discard!

By playing his A, declarer has made another– the second in the present case – “Vienna Coup” (a threat transfer): a play that is revealed as the winner, when one opps has 4 (or +) club cards and have at least one of the red kings.

Well done Eugenio.

P.S. Only a  lead (and playing this suit again if South gives a diamond trick – not the expasse!! – ) creates problems for the declarer, which, however, can still find the winning line (6 spade rounds, A and 4 club rounds. East wins but is forcesd to play under his K!) . But for that … he should be very inspired !!

Note: As for the title, a double Vienna Coup means 2 winners on a suit (A + K) thus transferring the threat in that suit to the neighbor across the table, through a communicating card, he can exploit a threat in another suit.

This play – is quite unusual – I think we can then define it as a: Vienna Coup double!