Pablo Lambardi is since many years one of the regular team members of the Argentine Bridge Team and is a regular player of the best international bridge tournaments around the world. Currently is participating in the 2013 Gold Coast Congress, playing with Anita Thirtle (Director of the Wanganui Contract Bridge Club). Another member of the Argentine team who is participating in this event is Carlos Pellegrini playing with Valerie Gardiner.
Today we bring you an article of a hand played by Pablo in the Pairs Championship Final B published in the Daily Bulletin, February 25 by Barry Rigal.
Pablo Lambardi found an ingenious position on this deal from the second session of the B finals.
He held the East cards on the auction above. The defenders led four rounds of hearts, dummy pitching a club
and North Sartaj Hans ruffing in with the 9. Lambardi overruffed and led a spade to dummy and a club to the
king. South ruffed and played ace and another spade; this was the position as the third spade was led.
When dummy won the third spade what was North to
discard? If he pitched a diamond declarer would come
to hand in clubs, ruff a diamond and take two more club
tricks in the ending since both North and West would
be down to just clubs. When North actually threw a club
Lambardi discarded his blocking club ace and simply
set up clubs for one loser.
Making 1 was an 81% board –the field was going
down in clubs on the E/W cards, often doubled.