Alfred Sheinwold best: Defense 1985

Alfred Sheinwold
Alfred Sheinwold

The Dispatch – 28 Ago 1985

The best play of the recent North American Team Selection was made by Dallas expert Bob Hamman, often rated the best bridge player in the world.aaxx

Lead: 7

South ruffed the first spade, cashed the ace of clubs and ruffed a low club with the eight of diamonds. What should Hamman (East) do after overruffing?

He should eat crow. South ruffs the spade return, ruffs a club with the jack and draws trumps. South then gives up one club and gets in with the 13th trump to cash three good clubs. Down only one.


Actually, Hamman discarded instead of overruffing. South ruffed a second spade, casino ruffed a club with the jack, ruffed a third spade, and ruffed a club with the five. Now Hamman overruffed and led a fourth spade. After ruffing, South had only one trump.

He got one club trick (the ace), five trumps in his hand and two ruffs in dummy. Eight tricks instead of 10. Hamman»s team won the match by a narrow margin.

They»d have lost if he had overruffed.