Alfred Sheinwold Best: Abnormal hand 1989


The Dispatch – 20 Jun 1989

Any good textbook will teach you the best normal play of a suit.aaxx

For the best abnormal play, you must use your imagination.

After drawing trumps, today’s South led the king of diamonds. West won and returned a diamond to dummy’s queen. South then tried a heart to the queen in the futile hope that East would somehow turn up with the ace. West won, and the defense later got two spades and another heart. Down one.

«A lot of good my 18 points did,» South groaned, but he had missed his best chance.

Card Reading

Since West surely would have led a spade from the A-K, East must have the king of spades. West therefore holds all the other aces and face cards for his 1NT opening. At the third trick, therefore, South should show some imagination by leading a low heart toward dummy!

Only a very suspicious West will avoid the trap. If West naturally plays low, South enjoys the look on West’s face as the ten of hearts wins and the contract comes home.