Accepting or Refusing Trick Nº1 por Ira Corn


Source: “Play Bridge with the Aces” by Ira Corn

Ira Corn Jr
Ira Corn Jr

«Before you grab the fist one trick – Think, Think, Think

The 1971 World Championship was scheduled in May and was played in Taipei, Taiwan. Roger Trezel and Pierre Jais were one of the pairs on the French team. Observe Trezel in action in the play of his hand. Trezel was South.

Dealer South. N/S Vul.

 K 10 8 4
 K 9 8 7 6
 A 2
 4 3
 4 3
 K Q J 9 8 7 6
 A Q J
 3 2
 Q J 5
 10 5 4
 10 9 8 5 2
 A Q J 9 7 5
 A 10 2
 K 7 6

The Auction:

West North East South
2 3 Pass 4
5 Pass Pass 5
Pass Pass Pass

West selected the obvious lead. K. How was Trezel going to avoid the loss of one heart trick and two club tricks?

He played dummy’s 2 at the first trick!. The defense was now helpless, Trezel won the diamond continuation with dummy’s A and discarded a heart from his hand.

Two rounds of trumps were played, followed by two high hearts and a heart ruff to establish the suit. Two of Trezel’s clubs were discarded on dummy’s hearts and the contract was made, declarer losing only one diamond and one club.

Note that the automatic play of dummy’s A at trick one will condemn the hand to defeat. Declarer would not be able to prevent East from gaining the lead in the heart suit for the killing shift through declarer K.