You are playing in Italy the last match in the team that is winning the Citta of Milan International Tournament. Sitting in West you receive:
6 5 4 8 3 2 K J 10 8 2 8 4
And the bidding goes:
Oeste | Norte | Este | Sur |
1 | |||
Pass | 3 | 3 | 4 |
? |
The last match of the 2012 Citta of Milano Tournament faced the Breno Team, in first position with the ZKS team who was only 3 IMPs from the poll position.
Intonti opened his hand with a 1 bid and after West pass, D’Avossa showed his weak 4 cards support with a 3 call, East overcalled his spade suit and South closed the heart game…West Passed…declarer lose 1 club and two diamonds for +420.
At the other table South also opened with 1, and North after West pass only said 2. East now had a comfortable 3 bid to show his partner his two colored hand: spades and a minor.
When South closed the game in hearts, Manno declared 4 and South decided to play in hearts at the 5th level. Manno Doubled…
Declarer was one down and the hand gave the Breno team enough IMPs to win the tournament…