A Hand from de Citta of Milan Tournament

Equipo Breno: Andrea Manno, Valerio Giubilo, Massimo Lanzarotti, Mario D'avossa, Romain Zaleski

You are playing in Italy the last match in the team that is winning the Citta of Milan International Tournament. Sitting in West you receive:

6 5 4 8 3 2 K J 10 8 2 8 4

And the bidding goes:

Oeste Norte Este Sur
Pass 3 3 4

The last match of the 2012 Citta of Milano Tournament faced the Breno Team, in first position with the ZKS team who was only 3 IMPs from the poll position.

  Intonti opened his hand with a 1 bid and after West pass, D’Avossa showed his weak 4 cards support with a 3 call, East overcalled his spade suit and South closed the heart game…West Passed…declarer lose 1 club and two diamonds for +420.

At the other table South also opened with 1, and  North after West pass only said 2. East now had a comfortable 3 bid to show his partner his two colored hand: spades and a minor.

When South closed the game in hearts, Manno declared 4 and South decided to play in hearts at the 5th level. Manno Doubled…

Declarer was one down and the hand gave the Breno team enough IMPs to win the tournament…