A Complicated Board


Here is a hand played in the European Teams Championship 2012 9th Round, it generated swings in 15 of the 16 tables where was played:

Board 9. Dealer North. E-W Vulnerable.


♠ Q T 9 2 
♥ Q 
♦ K 6 5 
♣ A Q 9 7 2

♠ K 8 4 
♥ 9 5 4 
♦ A J 7 3 
♣ K J 8


♠ A J 7 6 5 3 
♥ J T 8 
♦ Q T 4 2 
♣ –


♠ – 
♥ A K 7 6 3 2 
♦ 9 8 
♣ T 6 5 4 3 

 In the Italy-Germany match this board produced 11 IMPs for Italy. Sementa in North opened 1♣ and Piekarek overcalled 1♠, Duboin continued with 2♦ transfer to heart and Smirnov in West called 2♥ showing a spade raise and an inviting or better hand.

North passed and East accepted the invitation with 4♠. But things weren’t over for  Sementa so he bidded 5♣, asking partner to choose between clubs and hearts. Smirnov doubled and all passed. The lead was ♦A, with a little diamond continuation. Declarer won the second trick with the ♦K and played the ♥Q, afterwards he ruffed a spade and let run the ♣9…12 tricks.

In the other table, Fritsche also opened 1♣, and Lauria also overcalled 1♠, but Rohowsky decided to bid 3♥, weakish?, Versace Doubled, North passed and Lauria continued with 3♠. Rohowski defended to 4♣…final contract…declarer made 11 tricks that cost him 1 IMP per trick.

In the Russia-Netherlands match, both tables played 5♣, but was doubled in only one of them, both declarers made 11 tricks but Russia got 4 IMPs because of not doubling the final contract…The same happened in the Monaco- Switzerland match, Switzerland won the doubled 5♣ contract and Monaco won it but not doubled, but in this match both declarers won 12 tricks generating a 6 IMP swing for Switzerland.

In the Hungary-Sweden match, Hungary in N/S played 4♥X, 2 down, -300. In the other room, Sweden played and make 5♣ , 12 IMPs for them.

 Board 9: All Results

Group A

Table Home Team Visiting Team Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home Res. Vis Res.
Israel  Lithuania  Open 4♥  ♠8     50    10 
Closed 5♣  ♠A   12  420   
Ukraine  Latvia  Open Adj.  ♥J   13  600      10 
Closed 6♣x  ♦2   12  1090   
Bulgaria  Spain  Open 6♣  ♥J   12  920    15   
Closed 4♥  ♠8     200 
Norway  Belgium  Open 5♣x  ♠A   11  550     
Closed 5♣x  ♦4   12  650   
Greece  Ireland  Open 5♣  ♦2   11  400       
Closed 5♣  ♦2   11  400   
Italy  Germany  Open 5♣x  ♦2   12  650    11   
Closed 4♣  ♦4   11  150   
Scotland  Portugal  Open 5♣x  ♦4   12  650     
Closed 6♣  ♥J   12  920   
Hungary  Sweden  Open 4♥x  ♠4     300    12 
Closed 5♣  ♦4   11  400   

 Group B:

T Home T. Visiting T. Room Cont. Decl. Lead Tricks NS EW Home  Vis 
France  Luxembourg  Open 5♣  ♦4   11  400     
Closed 5♣x  ♦4   11  550   
Cyprus  Austria  Open 3♠x  ♥K     730    15 
Closed 4♥  ♠4   11  450   
Poland  Croatia  Open 5♣x  ♦3   12  650     
Closed 5♣x  ♠A   13  750   
Monaco  Switzerland  Open 5♣  ♠A   12  420     
Closed 5♣x  ♠A   12  650   
Wales  England  Open 5♣  ♦2   11  400    15   
Closed 4♠x  ♥A   10    790 
Netherlands  Russia  Open 5♣  ♦4   11  400     
Closed 5♣x  ♠A   11  550   
Romania  Finland  Open 4♥  ♠4   10  420     
Closed 5♣x  ♠A   12  650   
Estonia  Iceland  Open 5♣  ♠3   12  420     
Closed 5♣x  ♦4   12  650