A Brilliant Initiative by Simon Fellus


Corso di Bridge Under 35…GRATIS!

Many people think that Bridge is a game for the elderly, a pastime as others … they aren’t wrong. However, Bridge as I know it, is not just that. I am 33 years old and I practice this sport since I was 20. This Mind Sport is about competition, rivalry, friendship, discipline, pressure and sacrifice – common features of all sports, am I wrong?

 Unfortunately, for various reasons, Bridge is experiencing a time of crisis and it needs an injection of fresh energy to overcome it.

 In December 2012, I found myself in the right place, at the right time, with the right people: I was elected as a Councilor in the Lazio Regional Committee and, as a team, we worked to implement the core principle of our discipline:                         

–          to promote, foster, promulgate and develop the sport of bridge throughout the world;

We had an idea: creating a free course for under 35. But we needed source funds to support this initiative, without hindering the needs of associations and members. So, taking advantage of the presence in our region of many high-level players, we introduced an advanced course, “The Champions Route”, with the goal of  fund raising.

 From June to October 2013, 16 Stars for 15 lessons, in different venues, taught and discussed technique – defense, bidding, double, interferences, psychology and behavior. After the theory, we organized a short tournament, with prepared boards, in order to put into practice the topic covered during the lessons.

Costs: € 100 subscription, € 15 single lesson, € 5 tournament fee.

Many thanks to all who volunteered for this initiative and demonstrated great professionalism:

Benito Garozzo, Lorenzo Lauria, Alfredo Versace, Fulvio Fantoni, Claudio Nunes, Simonetta Paoluzi, Ilaria Saccavini, Claudio Petroncini, Bernardo Biondo, Riccardo Vandoni, Mario Guarino, Guido Bonavoglia, Leonardo Cima, Valerio Giubilo, Riccardo Intonti and Massimo Ortensi.

Thanks to the venues that hosted the event, and thanks to the players, living in the region, who joined with enthusiasm “The Champions Route”.

 It was a success: the revenue raised from membership fees to the lessons amounted to 10870 €, the costs to 2867.12 €. The profit was 8002.88 €.

The Bridge Lazio Committee now has the funds and is very proud to announce that with the support of the Regional Olympic Committee and the Italian Bridge Federation, is organizing a free weekly course of 12 lessons for the Under 35.

 The course coordinator will be the federal teacher, Mario Guarino, who will organize both the theory lessons as well as a practical stage involving play at the tables. Participants will receive handouts at the end of each lesson and a USB drive with all course materials at the end of the course. Those who have completed the trial will then participate in a series of tournaments with individual classification, hosted by clubs in the capital city. The five top finishers will be awarded with scholarships.

The opening night will be held in Rome on the 27/03/2014 at the Tennis Bar, close to the magnificent location of the Olympic Stadium.

 Special thanks to Barbara Dato and Maura Teiner, who made a significant contribution to the initiative.

The Lazio Regional Committee and its staff who worked at no cost and brilliantly. The team in alphabetical order:

Bernardo Biondo (Tournaments Manager), Amedeo Cecere (Councilor), Mario Chavarria Kaifmann (Shooting and Editing video), Massimiliano Colazingari (Vice President), Simon Fellus (Councilor), Filippo Camillo Fochi(Councilor), Silvia Giannini (Councilor), Simona Mariani (Secretary), Alessandro Orsillo (Technical Manager and Director), Patrizia Prattichizzo Pelino (President), Anna Grazia Rossi Santolini (Councilor), Daniela Salvemini (Hospitality),  Emanuele Tanzi (Councilor).