A Bad Break By A. Sheinwold


The Lewiston Daily Sun – 7 Mar 1986

When you run into a bad trump break, don’t surrender without giving the hand a second look. You may be able to turn the opponent’s trump strength against him.

Lead: 10

Today’s East took the ace of hearts and led a heart to the king. South then led the ace of spades and discovered the bad news.

«Terrible luck,» South complained. «I’ve got to lose two trumps and a diamond. If we play fast, we can get another four deals in.»

TOO QUICK  South conceded down one too quickly. After taking the ace of trumps, he should lead the king and another diamond. West must discard since a ruff costs him a trump trick while South plays low from dummy. South wins with dummy’s ace of diamonds, takes the top clubs, ruffs a club and leads the ten of spades to force West into the lead with the jack.

Now a trump return costs West a trump trick, and any other return costs the defenders their diamond trick since declarer ruffs in dummy and discards the losing diamond from his hand.