Sarasota Herald-Tribune – 8 Ene 1979
Today’s hand, judged by an international jury one of the most brilliant of 1977, was played by Marco Momigliano (then 21 years old) at the Venice Festival.
East dealer; North/South vulnerable
Opening lead — A
The defenders took two diamonds, and East continued with the queen of diamonds to make dummy ruff. The idea was to make sure of two trump tricks. Suspecting what was going on, Momigliano took the ace of hearts and continued with the queen of hearts to discard the ace of clubs. He then ruffed a heart, returned to dummy with the queen of clubs to ruff another heart and got back with the king of clubs to lead a third club from dummy.
By this time East was reduced to his four trumps. He ruffed dummy’s third club, but South overruffed and led trumps for the first time. East won with the are hot now had to lead a trump from the J9, and declarer finessed with the ten of spades to make his game contract.