Confederacion Sudamericana de Bridge Seminario de la WBF 2016 Medellin, Colombia

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Programa del seminario para dirigentes de las NBO de Sudamerica, zona 3 de la WBF, a realizarse entre el 25 y el 27 de Mayo en la ciudad de Medellin Colombia.


Miércoles 25 de Mayo

Micke Melander
Micke Melander

Sesión de la mañana, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – Welcome & Greetings and Seminar Opening

– 10.05 – “Aims of the Seminar”, by Marcelo Caracci, CSB President

– 10.15 – “Focus on the WBF, its structure and organization”, by Gianarrigo Rona, WBF President

– 10.45 – Discussion

– 11.00 – Coffee Break

– 11.15 – “Public Relations”, by Micke Melander, SBF Secretary General, WBF & EBL Youth Committee

– 11.45 – Discussion

– 12.00 – “Promotion of Bridge Sport”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 12.30 – Discussion

– 12.45 – End of the session

Alvin Levy
Alvin Levy

Sesión de la tarde, Moderator: Alvin Levy

– 15.30 – “The General Principle for the National Bridge Federations and their structure, organisation and management”, by Gianarrigo Rona, WBF President

– 16.00 – Discussion

– 16.15 – Coffee Break

– 16.30 – “The new technology in bridge and Bridge On Line” by Alvin Levy, WBF Executive Vice President

– 17.00 – Discussion

-17.15 – “The organisation and management of a bridge competition and the WBF Championship Policy”, by Maurizio Di Sacco, WBF Operation Director

– 17.45 – Discussion

– 18.00 – “CBS Survey Results”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 18.15 – Discussion

– 18.30 – Final de la sesión.

Jueves 26 de Mayo.

Maurizio di Sacco
Maurizio di Sacco

Sesión de la mañana, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – “Formation and update of the Bridge Tournament Directors”, by Maurizio Di Sacco, WBF Operation Director

– 10.30 – Discussion

– 10.45 – Coffee Break

– 11.00 – “The Bridge Teaching”, by GA Rona, WBF President

– 11.30 – Discussion

– 11.45 – “Learn to promote bridge”, By Gilad Ofir, WBF Kids Committee

– 12.15 – Discussion

– 12.30 – End of the session

Sesion de la tarde, Moderador: Gianarrigo Rona

Gianarrigo Rona
Gianarrigo Rona

– 15.00 – “Recruitment of Juniors”, by Micke Melander, SBF Secretary General, WBF & EBL Youth Committee

– 15.30 – Discussion

– 15.45 – “Being a bridge coach,” by Gilad Ofir, WBF Kids Committee

– 16.15 – Discussion

– 16.30 – Coffee Break

– 16.45 – “A case study”, by Simon Fellus, WBF Secretary

– 17.00 – Discussion

– 17.15 – “Bridge 60 +”, by Marek Malysa“

– 17.45 – Discussion“ –

– 18.30 – Discussion

– 18.45 – Final de la sesion

Viernes 27 de Mayo

Sesion de Cierre, Moderador: Marcelo Caracci

Marcelo Caracci
Marcelo Caracci

– 10.00 – “International Organisations”, by GA Rona, WBF President

– 10.30 – Discussion

– 10.45 – “Ethics, Behaviour and Discipline in Bridge – Policy and Procedure”, by David Harris, WBF General Counsel

– 11.15 – Discussion

– 11.30 – Coffee Break

– 11.45 – The WBF Website, by Alvin Levy, WBF Executive Vice President

– 12.15 – Discussion

– 12.30 – Presentation of the 2016 World Championships, by Gianarrigo Rona

– 12.45 – Questions & Answers

– 13.00 – Works Synthesis & Closing, by Marcelo Caracci, CSB President.