2012 Buffett Cup: USA wins 107 to 103


Final Results

  Pairs Teams Indiv.   TOTAL
   Teams +
USA 36 26 39 6 107
EUROPA 24 46 27 6 103

USA Leads Europe 88 – 86

Results at the end of day 3

  Pairs Teams Individual TOTAL
USA 36 26 26 88
EUROPA 24 46 16 86

At the end of Day 3 of the 2012 Buffett Cup Challenge Match, Team USA leads Team Europe with four segments left in the Individual to be played on Thursday morning and a bonus Team Event on Thursday afternoon. The organizers have planned a wonderful live Vugraph show by George Jacobs at the Omaha Hilton from 2pm-6pm.

Wednesday morning was the final segment of the Team Event which Team Europe won 46-26 and took an overall lead in the event 70-62. But then the Individual Event started and based on past Buffett Cup events, Team USA dominates. Team USA closed the gap and took the lead in the last segment of the day. It is curious why Team Europe always seems to be strong in the team event and Team USA takes control in the individual. Perhaps because the USA players play a more similar card in their usual partnerships and the Europeans styles and agreements vary widely. With the score at 88-86, it’s anyone’s title to win so stay tuned …

Results at the end of day 2

  Parejas Equipos Indiv. TOTAL
USA 36 22 0 58
EUROPA 24 38 0 62

Day 2 of the Buffett Cup consisted of the team event where the 12 players from each team join together to make up three teams.

The three teams for Team USA are:
Team #1 – Bob Hamman, Justin Lall, Jenny Wolpert & Jill Levin
Team #2 – Marc Jacobus, Curtis Cheek, David Berkowitz & Alan Sontag
Team #3 – John Hurd, Joel Wooldridge, Joe Grue & Brad Moss

The three teams for Team Europe are:
Team #1 – Fulvio Fantoni, Claudio Nunes, Thomas Bessis & Michel Bessis
Team #2 – Sally Brock, Nicola Smith, Louk Verhees & Rico Von Prooijen
Team #3 – Kalin Karaivanov, Rumen Trendafilov, Paul Hackett & Tom Hanlon

USA Leads Europe 36-24 Buffett Points

At the end of the first day of play, Team USA jumps out in front of Team Europe 36–24 Buffett Points.  The Pairs event consists of five segments and each segment contains three matches.  Each match awarded 4 Buffett Points.  Team USA won the Pairs Event winning 8 out of 15 matches and 36 Buffett Points to Team Europe’s 24 Buffett Points.  For detailed results, please visit www.Buffettcup.com along with running scores, pictures, convention cards, and Captain’s Diaries.

Be sure to log on to www.BridgeBase.com for live Vugraph and check out www.BridgeWinners.com for the running scores as the day progresses. If you are in Omaha, stop by the Hilton kibitz a match or two.

The team Captains’ diaries can be viewed on our website http://www.buffettcup.com/CaptainsDiary/tabid/79/language/en-GB/Default.aspx

The 2012 Warren Buffett Cup Challenge Opening Ceremony

The 2012 Warren Buffett Cup Challenge Match started off with a grand Opening Ceremony which included special guest speakers Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle and Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson and his wife Diane. The Honorary Chair Ruth Scott presented the matching-fund charity donations in the amount of $17,000 to five local charities. The Buffett Cup Committee matched the funds donated by three local business – Borsheims, Wells Fargo and Omaha Steaks. The 2012 Teams were introduced and the evening was festivities were closed with an extremely entertaining stand-up comic «Mary» who told the history of Omaha and kept the audience laughing out loud the entire 20 minutes!

Now that the ceremonials are complete… it’s time to get down to business! The Pair Event kicks off at 11am (NYT) and plays through the day ending at 7:30pm (NYT). Please enjoy the live Vugraph with voice commentary at all six tables at www.BridgeBase.com. You can also follow the running scores at www.BridgeWinners.com