Conventions: 4 Way Transfers with Range Ask by Gavin Wolpert

Gavin Wolpert-Norberto Bocchi

Source: Bridgewinners; 4 Way Transfers with Range Ask

Four-way transfers have been pretty standard among experts for quite a long time.  In recent years, experts have found a small tweak which makes it a much more effective system.  Rarely, expert tweaks not only make the convention better, but also in fact make them easier.

The major flaw of 4-way transfers as they were taught to me (2 for , 2NT for ) was that the trade-off of using 1NT-2NT to show diamonds meant that in order to invite with 8-9 points you now needed to go through Stayman. This caused declarer to unnecessarily reveal information about the majors which in a touch-and-go 2NT or 3NT is not ideal.

The new method removes this by adding a hand type to the 2 club transfer:


  • 2 = 5+,
  • 2 = 5+
  • 2 = 6+ OR   8-9 balanced w/o a 4-card major
  • 2NT = 6+

I have put in bold the new addition to the method.   Let’s discuss the followups to the 2 bid:

  • 2NT = I have a minimum for my range (I would not accept your 8-9 balanced invite)
  • 3 = I have a maximum for my range (I would accept your 8-9 balanced invite)

By asking opener to show a minimum or maximum immediately, responder can continue with a transfer auction as before, while at the same time catering to the 8-9 point range. The trade off is that opener can not make a vote on the club suit (expert standard was 2NT I don’t like clubs, 3 I do like clubs).

When responder has 8-9 balanced, the rebid will be quite obvious:


(The old-fashioned auction 1NT-2NT-Pass)


(The old-fashioned auction 1NT-2NT-3NT)

When responder actually has clubs, nothing has changed.  All bids continue to mean exactly what they would have meant in the old 4-way transfer structure. Here is a guide for what I play with my partners after opener responds to 2 showing his range:

  • 3 = 6+, signoff
  • 3 = 6+, short , Game Forcing OR 6+, no shortness, with slam interest
  • 3 = 6+, short , Game Forcing
  • 3 = 6+, short , Game Forcing

All of these responses (except 3, obviously) apply over a 3 rebid by opener as well.

The 3/3 bids showing shortness are standard treatments as we would use Stayman whenever we have a 4-card major and a longer minor.  The 3 call is less standard but useful.  Opener can bid 3 to ask which hand type it is, and responder can show the unbalanced type with 3 and the balanced type with 3NT.