The Saga Continues: Israel Decision 11th & 12th


November 22nd, 2015

Twelfth Decision of the Special Ethics Committee

Committee members: Adv. David Fohrer — Chairman Adv. Asher Akselrod — IBF Legal counsel Mr. Modi Kenigsberg — IBF President Mr. Eitan Levy — EBL board member Mr. Adrian Shwartz


1. After coordinating with Mr. Fisher and Mr. Schwartz and their legal counsel, hearings for oral arguments are scheduled for the following dates:

a. 20.12.15 at 15:00 O’clock.

b. 3.1.16 at 17:00 O’clock.

c. 5.1.16 at 17:00 O’clock.

2. The hearings will be held at the Association’s Hall, Yaara Street 27, Ra’anana. The hearings will be open to the public.

3. As requested by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Schwartz, their written response will not be published until the date of the oral hearing.

November 9th, 2015

Eleventh Decision of the Special Ethics Committee

Committee members: Adv. David Fohrer — Chairman Adv. Asher Akselrod — IBF Legal counsel Mr. Modi Kenigsberg — IBF President Mr. Eitan Levy — EBL board member Mr. Adrian Shwartz


1. Mr. Fisher and Mr. Schwartz filed a request that the documents that they have filed with the Committee on 8.11.15 shall not be forwarded to anyone except the members of the Committee, until the oral hearing before the Committee.

2. Since the request was filed by Mr. Fisher and Mr. Schwartz urgently shortly after the Committee gave its decision to postpone the hearings (decision No. 10), they are hereby given the opportunity to complete their written arguments on this matter by 15.11.15, 10:00 O’clock.