Watch Those Entries by Omar Sharif


The Dispatch – 4 Ago 2003

Sometimes more than one approach is needed to land your contract.

Here South had to combine avoidance with entry management to get home. Neither vulnerable. North deals.


The bidding was textbook. With three powerful trumps and a ruffing value in hearts, North had a clear raise to two spades over South’s one-spade response and it would have been pusillanimous for South to bid anything less than four spades. (Three spades would have been invitational, not forcing.)

Lead: Q

West led the queen of hearts, and declarer’s first chore was to keep East off play to prevent a lead though the king of diamonds. Therefore, the queen of hearts was allowed to hold the first trick and the heart continu-ation was taken with the ace.

Trumps were drawn in three rounds ending in hand, and the time had come to tackle clubs. If the king was with East guarded no more than twice, declarer had to hope for split diamond honors and to guess correctly when East made the marked diamond shift. If the king was with West. declarer demonstrated that the contract could not be defeated. A low club was led and the jack was finessed successfully.

Declarer now continued with a low club to the queen and kingl Given the 3-2 club division, no matter what West returned, the defenders could do no better then score one diamond trick. Four spades bid and made.