Technique of Card Play by Victor Mollo


The Glasgow Herald – 6 Dic 1955 

Victor Mollo
Victor Mollo

«Card Play Technique, or The Art of Being Lucky» by Victor Molly and Nico Gardener, is written with a good sense of humour and is an easily understood textbook. It contains 21 chapters of instruction in the play of the cards. There are excercises at the end of each chapter, with answers at the back of the book to check your knowledge. It is a valuable book for the average or even better player. The authors are among the 12 best bridge players in Britain. Here is an example from the book of » Reading Defenders’ Cards.»aa

After an opening of three spades by West, North-South reach, six hearts.

King of spades lead.

The club in South’s hand provides the only moment of anxiety. After drawing trumps declarer plays a diamond, hoping to find West with the ace. That would provide a winner in dummy to take care of the redundant club. Unfortunately East turns up with the ace and returns the deuce of spades.

Declarer ruffs in dummy plays off the diamond honour, ruffs a small one, and trumps his last spade on the table.

By this time he discovered that:

a) West had seven spades—East showed out on the third round

b) West has two hearts—he followed twice;

c) West also had three diamonds, maybe four he followed three times. How does all that help to dispose of the club?


Counting has shown at least twelve cards that are not clubs in West’s hand — seven spades, three diamonds, and two hearts—so he started with either one club or a void. If East has Q10 to umpteen nothing can be done, but there is just a hope —admittedly a poor one — that West was dealt a singleton honour. If South is in his best forms he will play for this chance and lay down the ace. There is a possibility that the queen will drop and another that the ten will come down. Either will do. Should it be the ten, declarer will play the knave and run it, unless East covers.

Counting the hand enables declarer to mute an opportunity where none would otherwise exist.