Tromso 2015: Poor-Makeable Games?…Rich Swings

Danny Molennar


7th European Open Championships

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Tromso, 8 de Julio de 2015

Tim Verbeek
Tim Verbeek

These are two boards on which game was declared, each of you decide if they seem worthy, but they are cold. Those who were lucky and declared the game found major swings.

Open teams, Round 4. Board 7, Dealer South. All Vulnerable

T 2015 SW 4 de 10 Tab  7

In this hand game was reached in only 7 of the 51 tables. In one of them after after Verbeek’s 1 opening bid, his partner showed his 4-cards heart suit in transfer.

North’s 3 showed a non-balanced hand with heart support. South closed the heart game, cold after losing a club and ruffing another club.

At another table where the game was played South opened the hand with 1, what made North not stop before the game. In Ladies only two of the 10 tables declared the game.

Open teams, Round 2. Board 11, Dealer South. None Vulnerable

T 2015 SW 2 de 10 Tab 11

In this hand the club suit helps declarer to develop 11 tricks without difficulty.

Molenaar opened 1, Verbeek’s 2, showed diamonds and a forcing game hand. Bompis competed with 2, Molenaar  showed a minimum hand and Vinciguerra supported his partners suit. After two pass, Molenaar showed spade control and with no heart stopper the partnership landed in 5, a contract that many called poor, but that is always cold.

Only 16 tables reached this game and only 10 make it.