A Slam, Monaco Style by Arianna Testa and Fernando Lema



7th European Open Championships

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Today in the sixth round of the European Open Teams Championships, Monaco team fought against Hoff team and the outcome favored Monaco by 11.14 to 8.86.

On Board 28; Pierre Zimmermann and Frank Multon declared a difficult slam in spades, without two aces and the trump queen, this is what happened:

Dealer: West;  North/South Vulnerable

 10 7 6 3             
 Q J 6
 K Q J 6
 K 8
 A K J 5       
 A K 10 9 8
 Q 10 6 2

The bidding:

West   North    East       South  
 1NT1  Pass  2     Pass
 2  Pass  32     Pass
 43  Pass  54     Pass
 55 Pass  6     End

1: weak NT (10/12)

2: 3 Spade Fit

3: 4 Maximum and cue bid

4: 5 Exclusion BLKWD

5: 5 No Keycards

Final Contract: 6

Lead: 7

Pierre received a diamond  lead and ruffed in dummy. He continued playing a club to his king, North won with the ace and returned a club to dummy’s Q.

Now declarer cashed the A-K of trumps, capturing the queen, he left the dummy playing a club, and ruffed in his hand with the 7, Q to the A and ruffed a club with the 10.

Pierre continued playing the J, over took with the K , cashed the J and claimed 12 tricks and 980 points, at the other table, opponents only played game, making 11 tricks, 450 points. 11 IMPs for Mónaco and the match.

The four hands were:

 8 4 2
 7 5 3  
 A 9 7 4          
 A 7 4
 10 7 6 3             
 Q J 6
 K Q J 6
 K 8
 A K J 5
 A K 10 9 8
 Q 10 6 2
 Q 9  
 4 2
 10 8 5 3 2  
 J 9 5 3