Tromso 2015: Consistency



7th European Open Championships

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June 30, 2015 Tromso Norway

A few days ago we published in  an article writen in 2006 by Justin Lall entitled Consistency, there Justin beguins with:

Constructive bidding is all about describing your hand until somebody can place the contract. You start with a very general description, like a 1spade suit opener showing 5+ spades, 11-21 HCP, and then refine that description with each bid. Since you are refining your hand based on previous bids, you are stuck with your prior judgment of the hand. You cannot change your mind.

In the first set of the European Mixed Teams Championship some players would have benefited from Justin Lall’s advice:

T 20145 Consistencia 1

1er Set de QF Tablilla 13, Dador Norte Todos Vulnerables

McCallum passed and Ringseth opened 1 (may be strong) and Tuncok decided to doubled. Lindaas continued with 2. North revaluated her hand, a club void, plus 5-5in the majors and said 2spade suit. East competed to the third level with 3 and Tuncok passed.T 2015 Consistencia 5

After West’s Pass, McCallum, re-opened with her second suit and now Tuncok, feeling guilty about having an exceptionally strong handtrying to compensate closed the game. Three hearts and the trump ace sealed the contract fortune, one down. At the other table South act more consistent and drew water for his mill.

Blaagestad, after a 1  opening bid  (may be strong), chose to pass, and after hearing Upmark’s positive response, she stayed in silence till the end of the bidding. But when E/W stopped at the theree level, she doubled, one down and IMPs for her good judgment.

In other table the same situacion:T 20145 Consistencia 3

After Charlsen’s Pass, Zochowska opened 1  (may be strong) and Larsson chose to pass. Zimmermann showed a positive hand, and now North decided to show his two majors. Larsson, with double fit, and KQxx in spades, feeling guilty about having an exceptionally strong handtrying to compensate closed the game. One down.T 20145 Consistencia 4

At the other table d’Ovidio was all consistency…she never opened her mouth. After a 1  opening bid (may be strong) and West’s positive response, she chose to pass, and her silence gave her team 5 IMPs.

Justin asks in his article:

How often do you see people feeling guilty about having an exceptionally strong or weak hand for their bidding and trying to compensate?

It sounds familiar? … You watch or you suffer?

Beautiful Tromso by Night:

T 2015 tromso hermoso