Trump handling By Richard Pavlicek


Source: 69th Summer North American Bridge Championships • July 24-August 3, 1997 • Albuquerque, New Mexico

Ralph Katz
Ralph Katz

This deal from the first round of the 1997 Spingold was routine for Ralph Katz of Burr Ridge IL, but the handling of the trump suit provides a good lesson in technique.


Katz, South, had an awkward hand to bid. After opening a strong 2, he chose to show his sturdy fourcard spade suit first. This struck gold with a 4 splinter raise, and the excellent slam was quickly reached.

West led the 9 to the 10, jack and ace. Then Katz sailed the spade suit10 as West played low. Next came the spade suit9, taken by West, who returned the 8, covered and ruffed. The spade suitA was followed by the 8 to the king (note the unblock) and the last trump was drawn with the spade suitJ, making six.

It is important to note that if Katz won the spade suitA on the first or second round, he would have gone down. West would take his spade suit K on the third round and lead a fourth trump, denying declarer the one ruff he needs. If Katz took his ruff early (either a heart or a diamond) he would lose trump control with a subsequent diamond tap