Caution, Genius at Work: Tim Seres by Brian Senior

Tim Seres and Mary McMahon at the 2000 Gold Coast Congress
Tim Seres and Mary McMahon at the 2000 Gold Coast Congress

Source:  APBFC banner  Bulletins

Tim Seres was arguably the most talented player ever to represent Australia. See him at work on this deal, in a heart game which would have defeated almost every other declarer.


West made the normal lead of the top of his spade sequence, and Seres recognised the problem immediately; assuming West to hold a six-card suit, it seemed that there would be a minimum of one loser in each side suit, plus a spade ruff.

However, there was a winning line, and Seres found it – he ducked the opening lead! What could West do?

If he switched, there would be no spade ruff and declarer would only need to find the ace of clubs onside to fulfil his contract. And, as West soon discovered, continuing with the jack of spades was no better. East could ruff out the king but, after winning the diamond return and drawing trumps, Seres could finesse against the spade ten and his diamond loser went away on the ace of spades. It remained only to lead up to the king of clubs and the contract was home