Bridge & Humor: Duchess Pays Gambling Debt


The Spokesman-Review – April 14, 1910

One of the cleverest bridge players and one of the biggest gamblers on society is a dowager duchess.

I have heard it said that she makes 6000 pounds a year between her skill at cards and luck on the turf, but her private in come is so large that no one could suspect her for a moment of being dependent on her winnings.

Her grace, by the way, is a very bad loser , and has a well known objection to  paying her losers. She lost on one occasion £70 to a foreign attache and said she would send him a check for the amount the next day.

The check did not arrive, however, and the diplomatist, who knew the duchess well, called on her a couple of days later in the afternoon. -You are here for your money, of course said her grace, rather grimly, as she handed her visitor tea.

«I came to see your grace» replied the diplomatist with a laugh. ‘but now that you remind me of your debt I shall remain to receive the money.» And he got paid.