Conventions: Inverted Minors Continuation


Source: Aussie Youth Bridge Bulletin

Do you ever feel like you and your partner are just mingling around after an inverted minor auction of 1minor-2minor?

Bidding stoppers may be the simplest / most practical approach, but if you want to get the most out of Inverted Minors, you and your partner will have to invest in some form of gadgetry such as the example below.

When an auction starts off with 1minor-2minor where a minor suit fit has been found (and a major suit fit has been denied or is unlikely), the partnership’s priority should be to find out which game the deal should be played in (assuming game values are present) as both 3NT and 5m are in the picture.

The way to distinguish this is through the knowledge of the balanced/unbalanced nature of both hands. Knowing a shortage in partner’s hand can pay big dividends in knowing whether to stay out of 3NT or not.

For example, if opener has spade4 heartAQ3 diamondQ875 clubKT983 and responder has spadeQ73 heartK87 diamondAJ752, then you definitely do not want to stop in 3NT. If you were bidding stoppers, the auction might go 1club-2club-2diamondMaybe you might choose to overbid opener’s hand with a 3spade rebid, but sometimes you might get too high if responder has only a 10 count. Thus, when you have an unbalanced hand, it can also be beneficial to distinguish the range. Here is an example for the 1club-2club auction:

1club 2club 10+, (4)5+club
2diamond Any minimum (roughly 11-14)
2heart Any GF (Probably denies a shortage)
2spade No shortage
2NT Diamond (Low) Shortage
3club Heart (Middle) Shortage
3diamond GF, Heart (Middle) Shortage
3heart GF, Spade (High) Shortage
2heart 15+, GF, No shortage
2spade 15+, Diamond (Low) Shortage
2NT 15+, Heart (Middle) Shortage
3club 15+, Spade (High) Shortage
3diamond+ Whatever you want. Voids? 6-5?

This structure can be used similarly for diamonds.

Can you see any resemblance in the above structure? If you look back at the article «Improving Jacoby 2NT”, the idea of the continuations is basically the same.

The backbone of this structure is to identify the weaknesses when a shortage exists in either hand. When both hands are balanced (i.e. with no shortages), you usually don’t need to worry about stoppers because the hand rates to play in 3NT anyway when both hands are balanced.