Short Suit Leads by Frank Stewart


Source: Daily Bridge Column by Frank Stewart

February 03, 2013

I’ll bet you love to lead singletons against suit contracts. You envision partner producing the ace and giving you a ruff, and all is right with the world.

Leading singletons has a caveat. Your short suit may be a suit declarer will use as a source of tricks. Your lead may help him set up his suit or concede valuable time.

South dealer Neither side vulnerable

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Today’s West led his singleton diamond against four spades though North-South had bid the suit. He was gratified when East took the ace and returned a diamond. West ruffed and led the king of hearts, but South won and forced out the ace of trumps. He ruffed the heart return, drew trumps and claimed. Making four.

West’s lead seemed fruitful, but suppose he leads the king of hearts instead. South wins and leads a trump, and West wins and continues hearts. South ruffs but must spend all his trumps to draw trumps. When he loses a diamond to the ace, the defense cashes two hearts.

West’s lead was against the odds. To beat four spades, he needed four tricks, and his hand was too strong to expect East to have the ace of diamonds plus another entry. Furthermore, West had four trumps, so a forcing defense might fare as well or better.

Think carefully before leading a short suit in pursuit of a ruff. The key factors are the strength of your hand — the weaker it is, the more likely partner can get in to give you a ruff — and your trump holding. If you have four trumps, consider trying for a forcing game by leading your longest side suit.