New Orleans 2015: The Goddess Fortune said Yes?… start to think


NABC New orleans 2015Friday, March 20th 2015

Schedule, Results, ACBL Live and Bulletins

Vanderbilt results in Bridgewinners, at the end of each set

This Thursday March 19 was played the Vanderbilt Round of 16. One of the match was Fleisher vs Meltzer, finally Fleisher won by 124-106.

After the first 56 boards and with only 4 boards to play, the Meltzer team had a minimal advantage. On Board 57: in one of the tables were played 5 diamonds, the club lead curtailed the number of tricks to exactly 11. At the other table the contract was a diamond slam and declarer, was lucky enough to receive a spade lead. To win the hand declarer now needed to guess heart10 position one down. Read the whole article: When the Goddess Fortune tells you NO … is NO.

It seemed clear that the The Goddess Fortune had determined that Fleisher was the one to win, the following three boards generated 0 IMPs.

Meanwhile the Monaco team faced the team Assael:

Monaco: Pierre Zimmermann – Franck Multon – Fulvio Fantoni – Claudio Nunes – Geir Helgemo – Tor Helness

Assael: Mustafa Cem Tokay, Antonio Sementa, Josef Piekarek, Alexander Smirnov

At the start of the second set Assael was 9 IMPs ahead, after the first 9 boards of the set, the team managed to add another 12 IMPs when Helgemo this board appeared:

NO 2015 V Monaco-Assael QF Board 28

 Board 28

Sementa opened 1diamond, Tokay showed his hearts, Sementa his spade and Tokay informed about his limited balanced hand with 1NT…Sementa chose to pass. Tokay made 10 tricks.

At the other table, Multon dreamed and was rewarded NO 2015 V Monaco-Assael QF Board 28 a

The bidding started in the same way, but after his partner’s 1NT Multon chose 2heart instead of pass.

Zimmermann, knowing his partner was a 5-4-3-1 and with some extras, decided to play the heart game.

Lead: heart2

Once Multon tabled his hand…Zimmermann begun to think and to think…he thought more than 6 minutes…Watch de video…below…

Finally he decided to play a small heart and covered East’s heartJ with his heartK. He continued running the spadeJ, when he won the trick…he entered into a trance again...After another long minutes wait, he chose to play a low diamond. West contributed with the diamond5…another loooongggg wait..and Zimmermann played the diamondJ…

Now was Piekarek time, and he also entered the tank and decided to hold up. Declarer continued with a small diamond, West’s diamond10 won the trick. Declarer won with the ace the heart10 return, ruffed the diamondK, watching the diamondA and the diamondQ.

Zimmermann won next trick with the spadeQ, continued playing the spade8 to the spade10 and claimed…

Moral: When the Goddess Fortune tells you NO … is NO...whatever you do, you will go down the cards will be BAD and if the defense errs…something will happen and you will err too NO WAY!!!

When the Goddess Fortune tells you YEShowever, is only giving you a chance, you will have to sweat a lot and you‘ll have to guess some positions 

Welcome to bridge universe…